I believe in freedom, and I believe in the right to fight for one’s freedom.
I believe in equality, and breathing life into ones own self respect.
I believe our daily duties are to refresh strangers souls, as well as our own.
I believe it is our purpose to affect others lives, for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
I believe we are meant to go through all the good and bad, and then we land.
From each experience we are to learn, each moment exists as an aid.
I believe we are to act as guide, to assist, provide, or enhance, another, or our own lives.
In finale. I believe, we are born with pride, to encourage and express, to smile, and love with no denial.
This is our right and our reason to fight.
To live in the land of the free, given gifts to create and reflect, who we are.
Vision, dreams and desires masquerade as stars and the sky anxiously awaits to see whom we’ll choose to be.
The mystery is how we view our own possibility.
You have chosen to be extaordinary and it has not gone unnoticed.
Although you and I face to face may never speak,
in my life you have made a difference.
I respect and cherish forever
what you have done for our country and for me.
Beautifully said.
Very nicely said. Our troops protect us and we ha ep appreciate and love them